Gintama 467

Dancing in the jaws of death.
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Jump came out a day early this week but Gama didn’t have time to finish it today, so that will happen tomorrow most likely. We don’t have any backups really. I had to suddenly do a frantic search for people to fill in for this Gintama chapter, too, at the last minute because someone else was away.

Anyhow, here’s this week’s Gintama it’s full of joy and mostly death and beheadings. Seriously though this arc’s really cool. It’s got a lot of drama but it’s exploring such an interesting area. With this family of executioners and all. There’s a lot of morbidness but there’s innocence and guilt all around as well. Next chapter’s particularly awesome. Sorachi’s great at starting with a seemingly simple premise and then taking things further and further as it goes along.

Gintama 467
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Gintama 466

Dead guys and new light.
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We got the Jump raws really late, just now as I was starting to type this in fact, so Toriko won’t be done today. Nothing we can do about that, and as usual nobody’s told me anything.

Here’s Gintama, go read it. It’s full of a glowing love of life and a disdain for death. And plenty of fart jokes.

(I just now realized why this chapter has such a weird title. Hijikata’s not in it at all. Sorachi wrote off the fact that he forgot to give him a role as a joke I think.)

Gintama 466
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Gintama 465

Scary death.
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It doesn’t look like Toriko will be done today because Gama hasn’t sent me the cleans yet. So I guess maybe tomorrow. I dunno, it’s not like anyone ever tells me anything.

For now, enjoy this. This is our serious arc for the… not quite year… vague long amount of time between serious arcs. The one that relates to the overall plot. I’m pretty interested now.

Gintama 465
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Toriko 253 & Gintama 464

Don’t forget that long-gone golden age…
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Hi, ok. Here’s all this. We didn’t know that Jump was coming out early again this week so things have been really hectic. I’ve gotten about 15 combined hours of sleep this week due to working on this and other translation fansubby thingies. so far so I’m kinda gonna sleep now. Go read these chapters they’re both full of emotion. Tragedy and cruel irony and all that good stuff.

Edit: Gintama was missing a page. I dunno why, I guess it didn’t save for some reason. It’s fixed now and the links are updated.

Toriko 253
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Gintama 464
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Gintama 460

Let the festivities start being.
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Hey everys, here’s this. I like this chapter. There’s a nice spirit to it.
Toriko will probably not be done till tomorrow because we go the raw late in the day, so Gama hasn’t had time to clean it. I’m gonna go sleep now before my organs start moving backwards…

Edit: There was a thing missing, it’s fixed now.

Gintama 460
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Gintama 459

How will Kagura and Okita’s big ceremony go?
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I really love this sorta chapter where one character is sorta unable to talk to everyone else for one reason or another. It makes for a really serious setup to work the comedy off of. Anyhow, go read it. I’m gonna try to finish somethings.

Update: This week’s (9/4/2013 or so)’s Jump manga are gonna be late this week because our raw provider is away. I was told 2 days. Nothing we can do about that, so sorry guys. We’ll have to wait it out.

Update 2: We’re still waiting on raws. We can’t use public raws because they’re low-resolution and not scanned well. I can translate from them and stuff but we can’t get the scanlations done until we get regular raws. So, you’ll have to wait longer I guess.

Gintama 459
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Online Reader (Batoto)