Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 80

Ok, here we are at 80. This one is a fun return to the gag chapters where just a whole ton of characters show up.
We’ve got 167 chapters to go. The last translation I finished was chapter 110. I’m hoping to get to the half-way point at least with translations pretty soon, which is in the middle of Wide-Ban 7.

Joeabandonedmine’s been busy with IRL stuff so I typeset this one, though he did come in to edit it at the end.
Uh, as stated in the last post pretty much everything is in hiatus this month so I’m just focusing on trying to get more Takeshi done and possibly even RESTING at some point, which would be wild for me. Anyhow, enjoy everyone!

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 80
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 3 (End)

Whew! Welp, this series is done. This is the volume version of the last batch of chapters. The volume came out like 3-ish weeks ago in Japan, and I decided I’d try to get it done faster than last time when it took a few months. This series is now officially done! This is the last release well be doing barring there being a continuation to it at some point. I should mention, for some reason the last 2 chapters are both numbered as “17” even though they’re both full-length chapters, so they’re labeled like that in here as well.

Just so ya’ll know where everything else stands right now:
There’s no Ikoku Nikki chapter in Feel Young this month. There should be one next month though (April 8th Japan time).
We’re working on the volume 7 volume scanlation of Ikoku Nikki, too.
There’s no 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter in the Young Animal that just came out, but there is one in the next issue (March 26th Japan time).
There’s no JoJolion chapter in Ultra Jump this month, but there is one next month (April 19th Japan time).
I’ve been translating Takeshi but Joeabandonedmine hasn’t typeset anything since the last one we released so I might do the next one myself as he seems to be busy. For the most part I’m focusing on getting Takeshi translated so we hopefully get to the end of the series in the vaguely near future.
I might take a break from Takeshi and work on something else for a bit if I feel like I really need it. Generally speaking I’m just constantly trying to balance everything in my life and making sure I get everything done so I don’t constantly feel behind. So having a bunch of stuff on hiatus this month has been helpful.
Anyhow, hope you look forward to all that stuff. Enjoy Neko ga Nishi Mukya!

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 3 (Ch. 13-17B)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 5 & Volume 25

Image Source: Nell

Woo, these are done! For some reason these ended up getting finished at the same time.
So we’re caught up on new volumes again and we have one more of the older volumes out. We still need to do 3 and 4, which we’ll get to when we’ll get done once the typesetter has time to redo the typesetting on those volumes. Then we’re gonna redo the typesetting on volumes 1-2, though we already did volume scanlations of those, so it’ll only be the text that’s different. And volume 26 is planned to go on sale in early summer.

As usual, these have all the changes made between the magazines and volumes in them, which is just a couple lines usually. And for volume 5 I went back and double-checked everything and fixed a couple small mistakes and tried to make any other improvements in the translation where I could.
Enjoy, everyone!

JoJolion Volume 5 (Ch19-22)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion Volume 25 (Ch99-102)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 179

Image Source: escente

179… This is chapter 179… and don’t anybody forget it.
I’m exhausted from lack of sleep so… I hope you’re all having a good Friday. This was a pretty good chapter, which I worked really hard on translating, so I hope you like it and all its vague metaphors and cooking recipes. There’s no 3-Gatsu chapter in the next issue of Young Animal, so the next chapter will be sometime… in the future after that. So like maybe around a month from now.
Uh, as for everything else, I’m waiting on Joe to typeset more Takeshi, JoJolion v25 and v5 are in final checks, and I got Ikoku Nikki v7 which I’m gonna try to scan this weekend. I ordered Neko ga Nishi Mukya v3 which came out on the 22nd, so I’m gonna scan THAT one once I get it. So like just a ton of volumes being done all at once. And basically in all my spare time I’m trying to translate more Takeshi, as I’m now closing in on the half-way point at least.
I hope you enjoy, everyone! Have a happy March, which may or may not come in like a lion.

3-Gatsu no Lion 179
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 75-79

Okay ya’ll, *this* is it! THIIIIIS is it. This is what you’ve really all been waiting for, this is Tony’s backstory!!! Which is real kind of the real climax of the Mummy arc when you think about it!!!! And we are now officially done with the Mummy ARCCCCCC!!! Yes.
Also we’re now finally into Wide-Ban 5. Anyway these chapters are some of the greatest stuff in the series so I hope you really like them. Me and Joe are gonna keep chugging on, trying to make progress on this series whenever we’ve got time.

We’ve got 168 chapters to go. Translation-wise, the last one I finished was chapter 103, which is towards the end of the Moby arc now.

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 75
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 76
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 77
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 78
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 79
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 69-74 (Wide-Ban 4 Complete)

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

Okay ya’ll, this is it! THIS IS IT! The climax of the Mummy Arc!!!!!
It’s not the end of the arc, it still goes on for a while, but I think you could call this part the climax, maybe? Anyhow, I won’t say any more, go check it out. (I should mention we’ve got this many chapters at once because these chapters are low in text so they’re generally easier to typeset. Also because Joe worked really hard on them.)

We’ve got 173 chapters to go. And 9 wide-bans to go. In terms of translating, I just finished wide-ban 5 the other day, and the last one I finished is 96, which is actually at the beginning of the next major arc, the Moby Arc. So I’m making good progress but that was largely because I’ve been pretty free this week.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 69
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 70
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 71
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 72
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 73
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 74
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 4 (Ch.56-Ch.74)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 66-68

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

Okay, here’s these! We’ve got 179 chapters to go. We’re really in the thick of things now. I really love this part, I hope ya’ll check it out. Up next we finally start learning about Tony. Translation-wise I just finished 93, which is the last chapter of wide-ban 5. So that’s moving right along. I’ve got some free time at the moment so I’m basically trying to translate as much of this as I can, because you can bet at some point in not too long I’ll have less free time. And in an ideal world I’d like to actually finish this project this year.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 66
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 67
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 68
Online Reader (MangaDex)