Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 75-79

Okay ya’ll, *this* is it! THIIIIIS is it. This is what you’ve really all been waiting for, this is Tony’s backstory!!! Which is real kind of the real climax of the Mummy arc when you think about it!!!! And we are now officially done with the Mummy ARCCCCCC!!! Yes.
Also we’re now finally into Wide-Ban 5. Anyway these chapters are some of the greatest stuff in the series so I hope you really like them. Me and Joe are gonna keep chugging on, trying to make progress on this series whenever we’ve got time.

We’ve got 168 chapters to go. Translation-wise, the last one I finished was chapter 103, which is towards the end of the Moby arc now.

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

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Online Reader (MangaDex)

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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 79
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 69-74 (Wide-Ban 4 Complete)

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

Okay ya’ll, this is it! THIS IS IT! The climax of the Mummy Arc!!!!!
It’s not the end of the arc, it still goes on for a while, but I think you could call this part the climax, maybe? Anyhow, I won’t say any more, go check it out. (I should mention we’ve got this many chapters at once because these chapters are low in text so they’re generally easier to typeset. Also because Joe worked really hard on them.)

We’ve got 173 chapters to go. And 9 wide-bans to go. In terms of translating, I just finished wide-ban 5 the other day, and the last one I finished is 96, which is actually at the beginning of the next major arc, the Moby Arc. So I’m making good progress but that was largely because I’ve been pretty free this week.

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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Wide-Ban 4 (Ch.56-Ch.74)
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 66-68

I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out.

Okay, here’s these! We’ve got 179 chapters to go. We’re really in the thick of things now. I really love this part, I hope ya’ll check it out. Up next we finally start learning about Tony. Translation-wise I just finished 93, which is the last chapter of wide-ban 5. So that’s moving right along. I’ve got some free time at the moment so I’m basically trying to translate as much of this as I can, because you can bet at some point in not too long I’ll have less free time. And in an ideal world I’d like to actually finish this project this year.

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JoJolion 104

Image Source: わい

Here ya go, ya’ll! 104!
The little comment Araki-sensei wrote in the table of contents for this issue of Ultra Jump said:
“Happy new year. I’m praying that Corona ends. JoJolion is at the final stage, too.”
So JoJolion may be ending soon. Though has said this before and he generally says that he doesn’t plan the story out long-term and writes it chapter to chapter, so it’s hard to take a comment like that and say “This is how many more chapters the series has”. Though Part 8 is now longer than all the other parts, and they do seem to be in the endgame, so it’s probably getting there.
We’re still working on volume 25 and fixing up the typesetting for volumes 1-5, so hopefully those get done in not too long.

JoJolion 104
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 61-64

Hey, here’s a bunch more of these! We got uhh… 183 chapters to go.
I wrote up a thing of all the remaining major arcs and how long they are and where they are in the story here if you wanna check that out. Joeabandonedmine finished cleaning the rest of this wide-ban so he’s typesetting his way through it now. Translation-wise I’m near the end of Wide-Ban 5 now. We’re now in the thick of the Mummy Arc! Some great chapters here, I hope ya’ll check ’em out!

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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 62
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Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 64
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Ikoku Nikki Ch. 35

Here is 25! The 35th chapter! This is also most likely the last chapter of volume 7, which comes out next month. Next issue is also gonna have the cover and opening color pages for Ikoku Nikki. We’ll try to get the volume version done not too long after the physical volume comes out. But it’s gonna look nearly exactly the same, probably. But we’re also doing like a bunch of other volumes around the same time with JoJolion, Neko ga Nishi Mukya, and this. And we should have more Takeshi done pretty soon. I’m making good progress on the translations, too.

Ikoku Nikki 35
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