Ikoku Nikki Ch. 26.5

Ok so here’s the next thing. This chapter is like a mini-chapter for some reason. For those not aware this manga doesn’t appear in EVERY issue of Feel Young. Sometimes it goes on hiatus for an issue. To me this felt like a sort of “something” rather than a regular chapter to avoid missing the issue after Ikoku Nikki placed in the Kono Manga ga Sugoi!! award. Maybe? Maybe not, maybe I’m reading too much into things. This chapter came out in January 2020 in the magazine so we’re finally into chapters that came out the same year we’re working on them. I think. Ok well, that’s enough of that. Check it out.

Ikoku Nikki 26.5
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 100

Image Source: Durian

Here we are, the big chapter 100. I hope you all enjoy. There’s no chapter next month, the next chapter is gonna come out in October.
I had a shitty last 24 hours or so. Sometimes we can get a raw early so we can work on it the night before, but we couldn’t this month. I spent all night trying to contact our regular source and looking for a backup and stressing out about it, and ultimately couldn’t. So then we had to all pull together and get this done during the work day, which some people couldn’t (The magazine, Ultra Jump, comes out midnight Japan time on release day, which is the 19th this month). So, me and the other people on staff have been trying to do it all while also working our job from home. A lot of people had to come together to do the little they could when they had time. It’s been a physically and mentally draining day. I’ve gotta get some more of my job-work done to make up for it and then I’m gonna go relax. We should hopefully get the volume version of volume 6 done fairly soon. Enjoy the chapter, ya’ll. Be kind to each other.

Edit: We reworded like a couple sentences in this due to typos or something I misread slightly. Shouldn’t change anything drastically.

JoJolion 100
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 44

Ok, here’s 44! I got this done this weekend and Joeabandonedmine finished lettering it yesterday so this one got done fast. Hopefully once I finish the rest of Ikoku Nikki and a few other things we’ll be able to come out with these more frequently. That’s the goal anyhow, but life is a series of trying-to-find-time-for-its.

Also I should mention there was an extra page from the volumes that should’ve been in chapter 43 that we accidentally skipped because it was placed after the popularity poll rather than at the end of the chapter like usual. Here’s that one page if you only wanna read it on its own, it should be added to all links to chapter 43 now. https://mangadex.org/chapter/996016/23

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 44
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 26

Ok, WE’RE ON VOLUME 6 NOW. I’m really hoping it’s the last one before we’re caught up.
I’m glad we’re finally getting there. Uh, we’re still doing stuff. I’m hoping I can finish these and some other stuff soon. I’m working on these extras from the Konjiki no Gash!! Kanzenbans I’ve wanted to do. But it’s turning out to be more of a project than I expected. Regardless that’s, moving along. And I want to start making faster progress on Takeshi but it’s dependent on other stuff getting done. Plus we have the next JoJolion chapter, the next Neko ga Nishi Mukya chapter, and the next 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter coming up soon so, I’m busy as usual.

Ikoku Nikki 26
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 43

Ok, here’s 43! Sorry these are so spaced out. I’ve been trying to get caught up on Ikoku Nikki so that’s no longer hanging over us. We’re almost there on that. But I really should find some time between those to do more Takeshi translations. And JoeAbandonedMine is doing his best typesetting them when he’s free and he’s doing a great job I think.
I should mention that we were able to find 3 of the 4 color pages for this chapter somewhere online. So one doesn’t have it. I talked about this before but it’d be pretty expensive to buy them all, I’d be buying dozens of Jump magazines from 1998 which is the only place they were printed in color. So basically this is our plan for now.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 43
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 25

Ok, whew. Here’s the last chapter of volume 5. Uh, so I got volume 6 and scanned it but that’s all so far. I’m gonna try to get working on that soon and hopefully we get through it in not too long (But this series takes a lot of effort to do each chapter). The newest chapter in Japanese is one after the last one in volume 6, which is chapter 31 and came out last week as well. Just to give you some sense of where we are. I’m hoping we can get all the way caught up soon-ish. I’ll be spending some time on projects like Takeshi and stuff soon as well.

Ikoku Nikki 25
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Volume 5 (Ch. 21-25)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) Volume 15

Image Source: 電乳

Ok so here’s this. Dascalon has been busy with all the stuff going on in the world so I ended up doing like, around half of the cleaning and redrawing for this. Anyhow, I’m glad this is all done as it’s been a while since it came out. Uh, this has a whole bunch of chapters and also it compiles for the volumes the Akari’s Ginza Story short that was in volume 13.1 which we already released. It’s really the same thing, nothing changed in that at all since the quality in the volume is pretty much the same as the v13.1 booklet and none of the lines changed (except for the last page where “END” is in a different spot on the page for some reason?).

Otherwise this is just a higher quality version of these 13 chapters plus a couple of extra pages just for the volume. Though I should mention here that the last chapter, chapter 166, has some extra pages/lines added. (Every volume has a handful of changed lines and this should include all those but besides that there’s only some really minor stuff like the number of meters away Azusa was walking behind everyone changed from 50 meters to 20 meters).

Also just to reiterate to make sure there’s still no confusion, there’s no chapter 153. She combined the magazine 152 and 153 chapters into one chapter labeled as 152 which ended volume 14, and this volume starts with chapter 154. So… be aware if you’re wondering why there’s no chapter 153, it’s because none exists in the volumes.

Uhh that’s it for now. Oh and the next new chapter of 3-Gatsu no Lion comes out in the next issue of Young Animal 2 weeks from now. Finally. So look forward to that.

3-Gatsu no Lion Volume 15 (Ch154-166 + Akari’s Ginza Story)
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Dorachuu (One-Shot by Sakamoto Shinichi)

Hey, so here’s something fun.
This is a one-shot manga self-published (a doujinshi) by Sakamoto Shinichi. The author of Innocent and Kokou no Hito, for those not aware.
This is the first project he’s done after Innocent ended. It was published in June. And it’s a short story about child vampires.

This book was a two-author project with him and Furuya Usamaru-sensei, the author of Litchi Hikari Club. He’s done a ton of shorter series and you can see more of the stuff he’s done here. We didn’t scanlate the story he did which was in this same book, which is a sort of autobiographical manga called “1985 Sodom”. If some other group wants to do that, be my guest though. We DID translate this little chat between the two of them at the end, if you wanna check that out.

Uh, so we may do more of these sorts of things if he does publish more (It ends with a “To be continued” at the bottom). This story is very simple and I think it’s more about the art. It’s around the length of a regular Innocent chapter.

I’ve got a couple other short things like this I’m trying to get done in the near future, so look forward to that. Otherwise I’m getting back to the same stuff we do regularly with Ikoku Nikki, Takeshi, and I’m trying to get 3-Gatsu v15 done.

Online Reader (MangaDex)