Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 1

If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Whew, ok, so this is finally done. Sorry it took a while folks, but we just didn’t have anyone available to work on it for a while.

This is the volume version of the first 6 chapters. Plus the couple extras that are only in the volume. It’s mostly the same just the image quality is a bit nicer than the digital magazine raws we used originally (Kodansha’s digital raws are generally pretty good to begin with, way better than Shueisha’s). Volume 2 comes out next month. I’m gonna see if I can setup a plan to do that one a bit faster, but Innocent Rouge v12 is coming out around the same time, plus we’re trying to get the remaining Jojolion volumes out, so there’s a lot going on in that area.

Meanwhile we’ve got Innocent v11 almost done, and I’m gonna try to get more Takeshi and Ikoku Nikki out soon. Dascalon is working on 3-Gatsu no Lion volume 15, too. I translated all the new stuff in it but we’ve gotta get the whole volume redrawn and such, so that’ll take some time. Look forward to all that!

Neko ga Nishi Mukya Volume 1 (Ch. 1-6)
Online Reader (MangaDex)

3-Gatsu no Lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) 167

Image Source: escente
A very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! It’s been a while since the last chapter, sorry about that! The 15th volume (chapter 154-166) came out so Kewl and I have started to work on it, but no promises on when it will come out though. Unfortunately, the chapter ended with another “to be continued” so we don’t know when the chapter will come out. So until then, see you and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bonus: A timelapse of me redrawing the chapter

3-Gatsu no Lion 167
Online Reader (Mangadex)

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! Ch. 31

And here we are at 31! This chapter ends the Herusii arc! We did it everyone! Now just 5 more chapters left in this Wide-Ban, and we’ll finally have 2 done.
I’ve been super busy the last month or two. I translated all of the new Innocent volume which is now being redrawn and typeset, Neko ga Nishi Mukya volume 1 is finally cleaned so I’m working on doing the volume redraws and transferring over the text for that, there’s a new 3-Gatsu no Lion chapter I finished translating and now Dascalon is working on it, the new 3-Gatsu volume is out which I need to scan this weekend and translate all the volume-only extras for, and that’s in addition to all the usual new chapters coming out and trying to get the remaining Jojolion volumes done.

So we have a lot on our plates at the moment but we’re trying to get more stuff out soon. I’m really hoping once we get through this handful of stuff I can work on getting Takeshi and Ikoku Nikki chapters out a bit faster.

(Mangadex is down for maintenance so I can’t upload it there right now).

Edit: Mangadex is back up so the link is added.

Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 31
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 12

Ok, here is chapter 12!
I’m still a few chapters ahead in translations and trying to do more regularly. Things are settling down for me now that Christmas and stuff is over and various other things I had going on before then, I’ll be able to get more chapters of this done now. This is basically the series I’m most trying to get caught up on so we don’t end up falling behind despite it being fairly short. Volume 5 has up to chapter 25.

The next Takeshi and 3-Gatsu should be done fairly soon.

Ikoku Nikki 12
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 93

Image Source: 煮魚

93! This one’s fairly quick but there’s a lot going on.

Sorry there haven’t been a lot of releases as of late. I’ve had a lot of IRL stuff going on and it’s made getting releases done difficult. But that’s finally starting to settle down, hopefully. I’ve been focusing on getting Innocent V11 translated and Bracketier is cleaning it. I’ve got about one chapter of that left to translate, and I’ve translated a bunch more Ikoku Nikki chapters that need to get cleaned and typeset. I’ll be trying to get more Takeshi done soon too, and hopefully start getting them out a bit more regularly.

Also Volume 22 of JoJolion is out now. So we’ll try to get to that soon. I’m trying to sort of get the remaining 6 old volumes scanned so we can collectively slowly chip away at all the work that needs to be done for them a little at a time as time permits apart from that other stuff. Plus Bracketier and MistaL and the others all have a bunch of other projects they work on and they’re working on those JJL volumes when they can.

JoJolion 93
Online Reader (MangaDex)

Ikoku Nikki Ch. 11

Hey, here we are at the beginning of volume 3!
Again, apologies for these taking so long. We’ve had a lot going on IRL and these chapters take a lot of effort.
Volume 5 of Ikoku Nikki has a release date in Japan for December 7th. That should have chapters 21-25 in it.
This series doesn’t have a chapter in Feel Young every issue (Which is a monthly magazine, for those that don’t know), so we are catching up despite not getting these out too fast. I’ve got the next few chapters translated in advance, too.

Also Innocent Volume 11 is out in Japan now. I’m working on translating it right now. We’re gonna try to get that done in the near future as well. Also in case you didn’t hear, volume 12 is going to be the final volume of Innocent, an that’s scheduled to come out in February 2020. So plenty of stuff going on.

Ikoku Nikki 11
Online Reader (MangaDex)

JoJolion 92

Image Source: Takato1925

Here we are, chapter 92! Some big stuff in this chapter.
I should mention that in this chapter there’s a place where “Rokakaka” is romanized differently than we’ve been doing it. So we’re going to use that romanization in that context (It’s a specific proper name there), for now, but use “Rokakaka” everywhere else. Even the Italian and French versions have been using Rokakaka, so I feel like that’s more or less how it’s expected to be read (In katakana as ロカカカ for Japanese speakers), and this is a specific context where it’s stylized differently. Also it’s been like that for 5 years without an “official” romanization. But if you’d rather just call it by the romanization this chapter has, that’s fine with me too.

JoJolion 92
Online Reader (MangaDex)