Ok, here’s 29!
This one’s kinda weird, but it has some good emotion in it.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 29
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Ok, here’s 29!
This one’s kinda weird, but it has some good emotion in it.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 29
Online Reader (MangaDex)
And here’s 28! This one’s fun.
This chapter and some of the next one are more gag-heavy.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 28
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Hey, so here’s chapter 10. With this, we finished off volume 2. I really liked this chapter, it’s got some interesting insight into the psychology of some of the characters.
I’ve got a couple more translated and we’re hoping to have those chapters finished soon if we can.
Ikoku Nikki 10
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Ikoku Nikki Volume 2 (Ch. 6-10)
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Image Source: Ren
It’s a double release this time! I managed to secure a small window of free time to rush out these two chapters. Right now we don’t know when the next chapter will come out so see you some time in the near future. Also, the 15th volume will come out on the 26th of December this year, please do support the author if you can and buy the volume when it comes out.
3-Gatsu no Lion 165
Online Reader (Mangadex)
3-Gatsu no Lion 166
Online Reader (Mangadex)
Ok, well finally, this is done.
Sorry this kinda took a while but it’s like 360 pages long, took a while to clean, redrawn, get the typesetting moved over, all that stuff.
Uh so I’ve pretty much said everything I had to say back when we released the final chapter originally.
The short version who don’t want to read all that is: We’ve done the series from V33 to the end. It would be nice to do volume versions for volumes 46-72, but it’s just not worth it to me given the time it would take. Same for doing volumes 25-32, which were done by other groups but for the most part aren’t done at very good quality (And Viz’s official versions exist for the rest, which are all good quality). For those earlier ones, while there are fewer of them, each one would take a lot longer because I’d need to translate them too. I kinda wanna move on to other projects, so these last V33-35 and V73-77 have been my send off for the series.
Though if someone wants to volunteer to do any of that, feel free to email me at kewl0210@gmail.com and we could try to work it out, but I’d only be a minimal participant.
The volume is pretty much the same as the magazine, but the quality is better. A handful of panels in the last chapter changed I think to clarify what was going on with the fake reality created by Tamako. I also put all the extras, color pages, and apologies in from the magazines and that one note for the final delay they posted on Twitter. Plus the extras Sorachi added just for the volume about his horrible experience ending the series.
Also here’s a fun tweet of a mosaic-ed Sorachi being lifted up by all his editors from the run of the series. I can’t really put that in the release since it’s a video but it’s pretty cool so I thought I’d stick it here if anyone didn’t see it at the time it was posted.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the end of the fanbook we translated, which contains some post-series-end interviews and stuff.
Uh, so this series is great. But now it’s all done. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Spread it out there to all those that haven’t read it yet. And check out some of the other series we’re doing! I try to find good stuff. This series changed my life for the better, and I hope it affected all yours for the better, too.
Gintama Volume 77 (Chapters 696-704)
Online Reader (MangaDex)
If you didn’t see the introduction I wrote up for this project, check it out here.
Ok, here is chapter 11! Hope you enjoy. Next chapter’s in December.
I’m gonna try to get Volume 1 scanlated once I have some downtime between all the other stuff I have going on.
Neko ga Nishi Mukya 11
Online Reader (MangaDex)
With this one we’ve finished what would be the equivalent of volume 3 from the original non-wide-ban versions.
I’m gonna try to get more Ikoku Nikki done soon, I’ve got the next couple translated and they need to be cleaned and typeset.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 27
Online Reader (MangaDex)
Ok, and 91!
I’m really exhausted after working on this on and off all day.
We’re working on doing more of the early volumes too.
I’ve been really busy with a bunch of difficult real life stuff the last 2-3 weeks and haven’t had a lot of time to scanlate stuff but we should be getting more Ikoku Nikki, Takeshi, and the new 3-Gatsu chapter out soon.
JoJolion 91
Online Reader (MangaDex)
26! Here’s 26! Read this manga it’s great.
Chapters like this one are way easier because they’re not full of gags. This had a lot of pages with almost all SFX.
Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi! 26
Online Reader (MangaDex)
I am busier than ever so I’m glad we could get this chapter out relatively early.Hope you enjoyed reading it.
The next chapter will come out next issue so that will be on the 11th of October. Although the preview is still talking about Tanaka-san for some reason… Around that time, like I mentioned previously, I’ll be rather busy so please be patient if the chapter comes out later than usual.
3-Gatsu no Lion 164
Online Reader (Mangadex)